You've learned Dutch
wherever you were for almost 15 years.
Say it in Dutch says goodbye: Tot ziens allemaal!
Since it was founded in 2005, Say it in Dutch has taught hundreds of you how to speak Dutch, whether you lived in the Netherlands or abroad. That has been such a joy! You improved your language skills, you passed your integration exam or your NT2 exams. You finally dared to speak Dutch. With your colleagues, neighbors, friends, family or in a store and on the street.
We are very proud of that. Many of you returned time and again to practise further. Or you recommended others to take lessons with us. Thank you! That was a real compliment for us. Apparently our style of teaching was well received!
Now the time has come to end the educational activities of Say it in Dutch, because our teacher Yorien is retiring.
Now, in July 2019 we stop to offer you Dutch classes. But if you have already purchased lessons that are not yet scheduled, you will be able to choose your date and time until November 30, 2019. That will really be 'the end'.
Of course you can continue to enjoy our podcasts "Zeg het in het Nederlands" on Soundcloud, or download the mp3s and transcript PDFs via our Dutch Idiom Blog. You can also download ebooks or other digital documents using Payloadz!
Dankjewel voor alles!